Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
sms n comments
a few nites ago, we went to have supper at a mamak restaurant. rania was bored so she played with my phone. she asked me how to send sms so i taught her how. kids nowadays can understand things quickly. she did send 5 smses to my husband.
message #1 - omar is a very naughty boy.
message #2 - rania is a very very good girl.
message #3 - akmar is very garang.
message #4 - daddy is a very botak and hitam boy.
message #5 - mak likes to cook.
my hubby got d messages back to back while we was having dinner with his colleagues. and he thot i made that all up!
rania wanted to continue though but i said enough. hmm, i wonder what makes her think that im garang.
message #1 - omar is a very naughty boy.
message #2 - rania is a very very good girl.
message #3 - akmar is very garang.
message #4 - daddy is a very botak and hitam boy.
message #5 - mak likes to cook.
my hubby got d messages back to back while we was having dinner with his colleagues. and he thot i made that all up!
rania wanted to continue though but i said enough. hmm, i wonder what makes her think that im garang.
sometimes, ppl can leave funny comments. like in khor toyo's blog, i saw one funny comment from an admirer i suppose, not too sure whether it's a he or a she but it's from indonesia and the comment goes, 'dengar datuk keturunan jawa?' hmm, klakar kan?? penat je lah org tu buat blog.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
si omar yg mengada

when u skipped a kenduri, dis is wat u get

note : tangan gemuk itu adalah kepunyaan omar.
after soto, we had pulut with durian + gula + santan. si gemok tu pun menyibuk jugak. sedap tak terhingga! note : pabila sudah mkn, masuk bilik, on aircond, tutup langsir, dan tidolah sambil berselimut.
Monday, April 21, 2008
random facts
i totally forgot bout it but somebody tagged me. to state 8 random facts bout me. though i find it quite difficult to state facts bout me somehow i dont think it wud be nice to juz ignore it, wouldnt u think so? i mean, if i were to tag others, i wud expect some courtesy of replying to my tagging. to ignore it completely? i find that a bit stuck-up. well, maybe thats juz me.
- i hate my biras. seriously, i cant stand her at all.
- im not one who's easy to forgive.
- i dont have many friends but i have a few good ones. and im d loyal type.
- street-smart. book-smart? who cares?
- no matter how much i dont agree with some of my relatives, i still take the 'respect d elders' into consideration.
- im still secretly wishing that one day i'll win rm1,000,000.
- my cholesterol level is above average. juz knew it today.
- i wish i could migrate elsewhere.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
sad but true
i have this one funny story to tell. funny but true.
since hubby is in retail, i got all sorts of unbelievable stories regarding customers. this is d latest that ive got. a very old customer decided to ask for for a free gift. printed on a bottle of a cooking oil; FREE CHOLESTEROL. and that's exactly what d old man wanted. free cholesterol. funny eh? but true. and i thot such bizarre stories didnt exist.
ignorance is one thing. but to stoop so low? to d old man, pride = nil.
my, my.
i juz got back from a family day outing organized by rania's kindy. the main objective was to get to know each other basically. plus to mingle with other parents. yeah, we had games, and we had fun. but did we mingle? definitely not. i dont blame anybody. even i cant bring myself to go and say hi to other parents. tried to smile to some though but the moment our eyes met, they glanced away. i wonder why. gotta ask myself that question too. have we turned too individualistic? since when?
but then again, knowing me, i like to obesrve ppl to d extend of overdoing it at times. some parents, esp d male, tried too hard to look good. u know, like when u hafta run to pass d ball, they wud walk ala macho-style. it was like, hey ppl, look at me, dont u juz wish im urs? u know, dat kinda stuff. jejaka perasan. while actually, to tell u d truth, some of them reminds me of orang asli. no kidding. i mean, yeah u can show off to ppl ur E90 or ur E60 but hey, who r u kidding eh?
since hubby is in retail, i got all sorts of unbelievable stories regarding customers. this is d latest that ive got. a very old customer decided to ask for for a free gift. printed on a bottle of a cooking oil; FREE CHOLESTEROL. and that's exactly what d old man wanted. free cholesterol. funny eh? but true. and i thot such bizarre stories didnt exist.
ignorance is one thing. but to stoop so low? to d old man, pride = nil.
my, my.
i juz got back from a family day outing organized by rania's kindy. the main objective was to get to know each other basically. plus to mingle with other parents. yeah, we had games, and we had fun. but did we mingle? definitely not. i dont blame anybody. even i cant bring myself to go and say hi to other parents. tried to smile to some though but the moment our eyes met, they glanced away. i wonder why. gotta ask myself that question too. have we turned too individualistic? since when?
but then again, knowing me, i like to obesrve ppl to d extend of overdoing it at times. some parents, esp d male, tried too hard to look good. u know, like when u hafta run to pass d ball, they wud walk ala macho-style. it was like, hey ppl, look at me, dont u juz wish im urs? u know, dat kinda stuff. jejaka perasan. while actually, to tell u d truth, some of them reminds me of orang asli. no kidding. i mean, yeah u can show off to ppl ur E90 or ur E60 but hey, who r u kidding eh?
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
sob, sob
its like what, a month since the election? and ppl are stll talking bout it. ive discovered quite a few things a month later. firstly, ive recently stopped watching buletin utama. they keep feeding us sad stories like "how d current govt in sngor, perak, penang are not doing their job." and pls bear in mind that KONONnya "only d current federal govt can give u want u want ie the best in everything."get it? we're talking bout integrity here ppl. see? how can u not hate BN? the more they try to instill some BN sentiment in u, the more hatred they create actually. dont u realised that some politicians stil think that we're stupid? i can finish reading d newspapers in under 5 minutes now. coz when they highlighted interviews with politicians, i wud juz scan and skim. esp the inteview with muhammad son of muhammad. his answers? lets juz say he still thinks the political scene is like 20 years ago. i wish someone wud shout out to them d number 1 cause of their downfall : corruption. and what reason did they come up with? have u heard d politicians mentioned corruption? no, rite?? they blamed the media, they blamed anwar, they even blamed mahathir! ok, mahathir did some bad things too during his tenure but u gotta respect d guy for his cunningness and his visions. pls la org umno. apa awak nak jual, org taknak beli dah. period.
sunday's mingguan malaysia; d front page was all bout d protest of d kl-spore train, apparently undertaken by YTL.
the reason of d protest : lrt yg penuh pun belum untung lagi. inikan pula keretapi yg mahal. answer from me : melayu jaga mana nak untung. asyik masuk poket sendiri. YTL bukan bodoh nak buat projek yg rugi.
dont u juz feel geram for reading such stupid comments?
eg : tanjong jara was previously under d tganu state govt and still they cannot make profits. even running into losses. but when YTL bought and revamped and even pricing it ten-fold, it was fully booked. what can u tell from this?
im not anti malay. im a malay myself. but i want to puke everytime ppl mention 'ketuanan melayu'.
juz stop. please.
sunday's mingguan malaysia; d front page was all bout d protest of d kl-spore train, apparently undertaken by YTL.
the reason of d protest : lrt yg penuh pun belum untung lagi. inikan pula keretapi yg mahal. answer from me : melayu jaga mana nak untung. asyik masuk poket sendiri. YTL bukan bodoh nak buat projek yg rugi.
dont u juz feel geram for reading such stupid comments?
eg : tanjong jara was previously under d tganu state govt and still they cannot make profits. even running into losses. but when YTL bought and revamped and even pricing it ten-fold, it was fully booked. what can u tell from this?
im not anti malay. im a malay myself. but i want to puke everytime ppl mention 'ketuanan melayu'.
juz stop. please.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
updating lotsa stories
actually, this is d normal nasi lemak that my mum made. d usual lauk, sambal ikan bilis and telur, ayam goreng, timun. d sausages are leftovers actually. and dis bungkus-style nasi lemak was my idea. to tapau for hubby. biar lagi berselera makan. haha!!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008
okay, today is definitely a 'hentam' day for me. no, not me being 'hentam'ed, i want to 'hentam' ppl. firstly, on my way to work, to be frank, i enjoy looking at some good looking cars. and 630 is definitely one hell of a beauty. but, does it give u d rite to bully other motorists? i saw one black souped-up 630 honking one wira juz bcoz d wira hogged d rite lane. u can beam, u can give d right signal but do u have to honk? all i wanted to say to d 630 owner was; rilek la beb, belom 645...
secondly, i saw an e230 with a rear sticker; 'my benz'. eei, tacky nye!!
thirdly, my stupid colleague tried to tell me that apparently, d CHINESE gives utmost important to education. and indians dont give too much emphasis on education bcoz they were taught dat way and bcoz they wud remain poor nway. DUH!! what? ure trying to tell me that other races dont stress on education? macamla anak2 ngko gi naik bulan pun. i dont understand these chinese ppl la. seriously, what do u understand from that statement? was it (1) they're d most clever and bright ppl in d world? or (2) it's a norm for them to tell ppl how superior and wonderful they are? u know what else she said? she said those who go to public universities are 'pariah', yes, that's d word that she used. and that they wud prefer to send their kids abroad to further studies. buta ke minah ni? some private colleges here are superb man. for all i know, they prefer australia bcoz it's cheaper than england or america. so i guess, this is a case of an inferiority complex gone wrong. AND! d best part was, she mentioned that since harvard now has cut down the admission fees (read : admission je tau) she thinks her clan have better chance. apa? ingat ada duit je bole masuk ke? bodoh betol la minah ni. im sure she didnt read the whole article. infact, harvard is gonna tighten the admission requirements. alahai nyonya. takde mana anak ngko dpt masuk punye. she is definitely having d 'short-person syndrome' moment. and here ure telling ppl that u want a malaysians' malaysia but ure still cocking up stories bout ur race. apa ni?? u must be wondering what did i do when she uttered those useless statements. ambik ipod cucuk telinga la!!
ada citer lagi. i juz got back from my friend's room, she served me nasi lemak. to taste her 'biras' punye cooking. before we ate, she gave me d business card of her 'biras'. ppl, toloooonglaaaa jgn letak ur qualification or d place where u got ur degree / masters from kat business card tu. after all, ure only selling nasi lemak. what's cardiff got to do with selling nasi lemak eh? what? u think more ppl wud buy ur nasi lemak juz bcoz u went to cardiff? or u want ppl to think nasi lemak cardiff lagi sedap?? and d best part was u know what? minah cardiff tu SHARIFAH!! u know how much i despised those perasan alim sharifah2 kan. so we had a blast of tasting a sharifah's nasi lemak hambar and tak oomph langsung tu plus, we all kutuk kaw2 punye!! sharifah konon!! piirah!!
note : i dont hate all sharifahs. i only hate those who think their title is a stairway to heaven while in real life, this one particular sharifah i know, she doesnt even pray. but then again, who am i to judge her rite? im not even a sharifah!
secondly, i saw an e230 with a rear sticker; 'my benz'. eei, tacky nye!!
thirdly, my stupid colleague tried to tell me that apparently, d CHINESE gives utmost important to education. and indians dont give too much emphasis on education bcoz they were taught dat way and bcoz they wud remain poor nway. DUH!! what? ure trying to tell me that other races dont stress on education? macamla anak2 ngko gi naik bulan pun. i dont understand these chinese ppl la. seriously, what do u understand from that statement? was it (1) they're d most clever and bright ppl in d world? or (2) it's a norm for them to tell ppl how superior and wonderful they are? u know what else she said? she said those who go to public universities are 'pariah', yes, that's d word that she used. and that they wud prefer to send their kids abroad to further studies. buta ke minah ni? some private colleges here are superb man. for all i know, they prefer australia bcoz it's cheaper than england or america. so i guess, this is a case of an inferiority complex gone wrong. AND! d best part was, she mentioned that since harvard now has cut down the admission fees (read : admission je tau) she thinks her clan have better chance. apa? ingat ada duit je bole masuk ke? bodoh betol la minah ni. im sure she didnt read the whole article. infact, harvard is gonna tighten the admission requirements. alahai nyonya. takde mana anak ngko dpt masuk punye. she is definitely having d 'short-person syndrome' moment. and here ure telling ppl that u want a malaysians' malaysia but ure still cocking up stories bout ur race. apa ni?? u must be wondering what did i do when she uttered those useless statements. ambik ipod cucuk telinga la!!
ada citer lagi. i juz got back from my friend's room, she served me nasi lemak. to taste her 'biras' punye cooking. before we ate, she gave me d business card of her 'biras'. ppl, toloooonglaaaa jgn letak ur qualification or d place where u got ur degree / masters from kat business card tu. after all, ure only selling nasi lemak. what's cardiff got to do with selling nasi lemak eh? what? u think more ppl wud buy ur nasi lemak juz bcoz u went to cardiff? or u want ppl to think nasi lemak cardiff lagi sedap?? and d best part was u know what? minah cardiff tu SHARIFAH!! u know how much i despised those perasan alim sharifah2 kan. so we had a blast of tasting a sharifah's nasi lemak hambar and tak oomph langsung tu plus, we all kutuk kaw2 punye!! sharifah konon!! piirah!!
note : i dont hate all sharifahs. i only hate those who think their title is a stairway to heaven while in real life, this one particular sharifah i know, she doesnt even pray. but then again, who am i to judge her rite? im not even a sharifah!