Wednesday, April 16, 2008

sob, sob

its like what, a month since the election? and ppl are stll talking bout it. ive discovered quite a few things a month later. firstly, ive recently stopped watching buletin utama. they keep feeding us sad stories like "how d current govt in sngor, perak, penang are not doing their job." and pls bear in mind that KONONnya "only d current federal govt can give u want u want ie the best in everything."get it? we're talking bout integrity here ppl. see? how can u not hate BN? the more they try to instill some BN sentiment in u, the more hatred they create actually. dont u realised that some politicians stil think that we're stupid? i can finish reading d newspapers in under 5 minutes now. coz when they highlighted interviews with politicians, i wud juz scan and skim. esp the inteview with muhammad son of muhammad. his answers? lets juz say he still thinks the political scene is like 20 years ago. i wish someone wud shout out to them d number 1 cause of their downfall : corruption. and what reason did they come up with? have u heard d politicians mentioned corruption? no, rite?? they blamed the media, they blamed anwar, they even blamed mahathir! ok, mahathir did some bad things too during his tenure but u gotta respect d guy for his cunningness and his visions. pls la org umno. apa awak nak jual, org taknak beli dah. period.
sunday's mingguan malaysia; d front page was all bout d protest of d kl-spore train, apparently undertaken by YTL.
the reason of d protest : lrt yg penuh pun belum untung lagi. inikan pula keretapi yg mahal. answer from me : melayu jaga mana nak untung. asyik masuk poket sendiri. YTL bukan bodoh nak buat projek yg rugi.
dont u juz feel geram for reading such stupid comments?
eg : tanjong jara was previously under d tganu state govt and still they cannot make profits. even running into losses. but when YTL bought and revamped and even pricing it ten-fold, it was fully booked. what can u tell from this?
im not anti malay. im a malay myself. but i want to puke everytime ppl mention 'ketuanan melayu'.
juz stop. please.


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