Monday, May 15, 2006

isnt it funny?

i am such a difficult person to be dealt with. it runs in the family. err, except my mum, i guess. she's always the friendly one. frankly speaking, other than my roomie, i dont talk to anybody else at my office. eversince i moved to this new place, things got worse when it comes to communicating with others. at least, when i was in PB, i find the ppl there, friendlier. when ppl keep saying hi to you, it's a shame not to do the same, rite? but this current place is a bit different. i'm ok with not having to say hi or bye or even smile to anybody but today, i'm in a bit of a 'merrier' mood so, i did say hi and made small talk to few ppl. but u know what? u could feel the coldness that the other person is trying to tell u. their faces were like, "hey miss, dont waste ur time making small talk lah.." it bothered me a few seconds but then i relised not to bother too much coz i always remember what my mum always told me, 'biar org buat kita, jgn kita buat orang...' so, i'm back to square one. why bother? but my conscience advised me otherwise. if everyone of us have the same mentality, what would happen? we know it's not good but why most of us stay the way we are? we have become a selfish lot that is filled with greed and emotionless. are we really confortable with what being labelled by others?
and i'm one of them. as long as nobody drags me out of my confort zone, i cant be bothered.


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