we started off quite late. next time, plan your trip early so that u can beat the highway jam. too many cars, and too many
'perasan laju' cars hogging the right lane. nway, dis was 1st pit stop. my uncle's house in tampin. menu, soto. seriously, im done with rendang.

this was our 4th stop in seremban. my aunty's house. it's so easy to keep him occupied.

30 minutes later, we found a handful of sticks in the cage. i wonder who's the culprit.
eh mana gigi...?
i hope nobody noticed the big tummy.

always the outdoor boy.

a selection of
kuih raya at our 6th stop.
muka dah tak larat makan.

the host and my dad.

halim's angels...not...

by 9pm, he looked so tired and quite moody. my hubby snapped this picture; omar 's waiting in front of the bathroom, waiting for me, refused to let anybody touch him. all in all, 2nd raya was even satisfying. completed visiting 6 houses. wish we could have visited more.
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