di hari kemenangan

we had so much fun on d first day!! rania's fever all of a sudden was totally gone d moment she woke up! she was happy, i was happier. kalau tak, tak berayo la den. nway, so many ppl came to my mum's house, we were afraid there wasnt enough food. some of them refused to go home. SERIOUSLY. by noon we went back to my inlaws' house. i was tired of lemang and rendang and was happy to see laksa penang at inlaws'. finally, something different. we did go and visit my hubby's staff. again, something different. nasi briyani. sedapnye! last stop, my aunty's house where omar tried to chase chickens. he managed to scare them off. though rania was well again, she was a bit quiet coz according to her, she didnt like her voice. mcm serak. oh yeah, she is THAT vain. all in all, we could have visited another house but we pity the kids. they must be tired. true enough, omar slept immediately while on our way back. betapa seronoknya bila tarzan tido. SELAMAT HARI RAYA again y'all!! ish, fasting one month maa, raya one month laa...!!
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