cerita raya

tonite will be d last sahur. immediately after, i have to go to mum's house to help her cook. it's gonna be a big, big feast for berbuka later. i cant wait. i think, that's d best part. it's the last day of fasting, u keep yourself busy with food preparation, ie; kuah kacang, sayur lodeh, rendang ayam, rendang daging, nasi impit, ketupat, lemang (beli)...and when u break fast for the last time for the year with the food that u cook from scratch, it is all worth it, dont u think? and the takbir that u hear from the tv, it makes u all melancholic and smiley and hati berbunga and filled with satisfaction.
oh, i juz looooooooove d raya mood in me rite now...
selamat hari raya & maaf zahir batin!
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