happy bday h.i.t.a.m.

i know ive been absent for almost 2 weeks. frankly, i was weak from d sickness i had and plus, nothing interesting happening for me to share. but on 31st of july, we had a mini celebration for my husband since it's his 36th bday. surprisingly, he was sick too on dat day. but by d time we wanted to cut d cake, he was ok. it was a homemade cake, bake by me. sedap tau...hehe. but as usual, from d picture, rania n omar took centrestage. they were d ones who blew out d candle. and when we sang, rania had her own version. when it comes to d 3rd verse, 'happy bday to ......', she sang, 'happy bday to h.i.t.a.m'. yup, she said it out loud. but then again, to her, her daddy is d most handsome guy in d world coz he's hitam and botak. she will defend her daddy no matter what ppl say. for instance, 'daddy tu hitam sebab dulu dia main tgh panas.' wow! i didnt know dat, rania...and botak is cool coz apparently, 'mawi yg tiru daddy'. so, there goes her admiration towards her daddy. as for omar ,he was juz interested in blowing out d candles. and oh yeah, he enjoyed cucuk2 cake.
remember i pointed out once about funny chinese names? like 'barbie chow' or something. okay, i finally found one which takes d cherry.

MsMilah, this is from my anaj, "Harris nak jadi gemok macam abah sebab gemok tu strong" and he is offended when ppl cakap dia kurus !
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