Sunday, December 30, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
talk bout chicken shit
now i know why ppl hate to drive in kl/pj.
ppl will get pissed if u follow the rules.
for instance, when u wait at a T junction and when ure supposed to give way to other motorists, which clearly states that u have to wait until ur turn comes, ppl will get pissed.
and what do u do when ppl behind u honk at u?
even worse, they overtake u and stared, giving u the message, 'why so slow one...'
what would u do?
do u brush it off?
but if u brush it off as if he didnt do anything wrong, these ppl would do it again.
and we're talking bout big cars here, but small brain behind the wheels.
i got pissed this morning coz some ppl think their time is more precious than others.
he got a P sign, for God's sake.
and u think u can get away with it?
no way jose.
not this time, bro. these ppl thot they're braver.
we'll see.
and true enough, these ppl will chicken out the moment they see u tagging closely.
penakut sebenarnya.
they slowed down the moment they see i mean business.
u wanna join the staring contest?
be my guest!!
i dont care whether it's a he or a she.
wrong is wrong.
yeah u'll get away with it but not as easily as u thot eh.
ppl will get pissed if u follow the rules.
for instance, when u wait at a T junction and when ure supposed to give way to other motorists, which clearly states that u have to wait until ur turn comes, ppl will get pissed.
and what do u do when ppl behind u honk at u?
even worse, they overtake u and stared, giving u the message, 'why so slow one...'
what would u do?
do u brush it off?
but if u brush it off as if he didnt do anything wrong, these ppl would do it again.
and we're talking bout big cars here, but small brain behind the wheels.
i got pissed this morning coz some ppl think their time is more precious than others.
he got a P sign, for God's sake.
and u think u can get away with it?
no way jose.
not this time, bro. these ppl thot they're braver.
we'll see.
and true enough, these ppl will chicken out the moment they see u tagging closely.
penakut sebenarnya.
they slowed down the moment they see i mean business.
u wanna join the staring contest?
be my guest!!
i dont care whether it's a he or a she.
wrong is wrong.
yeah u'll get away with it but not as easily as u thot eh.
Monday, December 17, 2007
budak2 main bola

mmg bersungguh betol diorang main.
how do i know?
ada gaduh2 maa....
but boys will always be boys. they will fight and yet they can still remain friends after the game's over.
Friday, December 14, 2007
funny names
i know i shouldnt make fun of ppl's names but this is just for fun ok.
ever wonder where do some ppl get funny names?
do they even realised that it's funny in the first place?
ok, i do have a few names...these are real names that ive encountered once in a while.
me n hubby would always sms each other to see who encounters d funniest name so far.
it started with the creator of that shoe brand "Lewre". to tell u the truth, until now i dont even know how to pronounce it. to those who knew how, pls enlighten me. ive read his biography. ok, it's his name. Lewre Lew.
then there's Show Luo. A Taiwanese artiste. U might wonder whether it's a she or a he. i think it's a he. Coz his girlfriend's name is Barbie. can u believe it?
and there's Unic Foong, Nieks Liew, Mezmen Mah.
but u know who gets the cherry?
drumroll pls...
Snowfly Thong.
ever wonder where do some ppl get funny names?
do they even realised that it's funny in the first place?
ok, i do have a few names...these are real names that ive encountered once in a while.
me n hubby would always sms each other to see who encounters d funniest name so far.
it started with the creator of that shoe brand "Lewre". to tell u the truth, until now i dont even know how to pronounce it. to those who knew how, pls enlighten me. ive read his biography. ok, it's his name. Lewre Lew.
then there's Show Luo. A Taiwanese artiste. U might wonder whether it's a she or a he. i think it's a he. Coz his girlfriend's name is Barbie. can u believe it?
and there's Unic Foong, Nieks Liew, Mezmen Mah.
but u know who gets the cherry?
drumroll pls...
Snowfly Thong.
Monday, December 10, 2007
di satu petang yang indah

nice eh?
some good friends might already know that im actually a 'kampung girl' at heart. so i never turn down any requests from my parents when it comes to driving them to this particular uncle's house. ive been begging my parents to build a kampung house somewhere. dad agrees to it but mum was more like 'ei, susahla takde one utama.'
Friday, December 07, 2007
Karipap RM2.00

she made quite a few so she would juz take it out from the freezer and fry it whenever the need arises. i know many ppl loves karipap, kan?
and u know some food shows esp the westerns, it may look enticing but when u think of it, boringnye makanan diorang. they dont have soto, lontong, nasi lemak, karipap...
eeii, tak bestnye.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
what would i do without them?
not on purpose though.
i missed a turn to my mum's house.
so i figured, why not bring them?
see? 2 very well-behaved kids eating kuih raya.
10 seconds later, only 1 very well-behaved kid left.
and that kid is not omar.

omar used to push mika off the bike and mika would cry.
but i guess mika have learned his lessons now.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
rabbit park

as usual, when hubby's around on weekend, we'd bring d kids to explore something new.
so last saturday, we brought them to the rabbit park @ bukit tinggi. we brought rania once 3 years back but she was afraid of the rabbits so basically, it was not an experience worth mentioning. so this time, since she's 5 and having omar as the one who shows no fear towards anything, we decided to revisit the place. apart from rabbits, you could also look at deers and smelly donkeys. plus, the weather was cooling. seriously speaking, that place is quite okay. rather than bringing them to the malls. but make sure u bring your food, plenty of food infact, coz they really charged exorbitantly. i brought sandwiches, nuggets, sausages, chocolates. true enough, we finished all of it in one seating. some families were caught off-guard i guess and i thought i saw some sneaking from behind...hhmmmm.....