Wednesday, May 31, 2006


i've been so sleepy lately. i come to work at 9, look at my screen for a while, then i sleep. half an hour later, i woke up coz my phone was ringing, update a few things to my client, then i go back to sleep again. woke up again, tried reading readers' digest, havent even finished the second page, then i dozed off again. and it was not even lunch time yet. i'm due in 3 weeks' time. i guess, that's why i get so sleepy and tired all the time. and rania is getting more 'manja' and 'mengada' each day. somehow she knows the baby will arrive soon. she likes to say things to indicate that she doesnt care about the baby. for instance, she wont allow me to eat so that 'biar baby lapar' and sometimes she will pinch my tummy (biar baby sakit). she is so used of being the center of attention and the baby's arrival might jeopardise her position as always being the favourite among us.
to my brother who's having his exam rite now, good luck in all papers. hope u do well and do come back soon...semua org dah rindu esp mama and dobot. hehe. angah rindu sebab takde org dia nak suruh...


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