pit stop at petrol station.
63 sen seliter.
the highways are well-mantained, 3-lane each way, bukan sekejap 3-lane sekejap 2-lane, no toll collection.
Q : what is that they can do that malaysia cannot do?
we've got plenty of natural resources what.
A : eh, dah masing2 siap2 ambik masuk poket masing2.
selagi ada peluang sapu le.
(takyah teka sape jawab la ek?)

finally, we arrived at masjidil-haram.
that familiar sight juz gave u this unexplained vibes.
shockingly ramainye orang ya Allah.
we came for isyak prayers; tried going in, tak bole masuk sebab penuh.
we proceeded to second floor pun penuh jugak.
wanted to proceed to third floor but no kids allowed so had to settle for second floor.
itupun tak bole masuk so semayang tepi escalator.
i forced omar to jemaah sekali but halfway, i heard faint voices singing A B C.
omar, omar.

the most-waited sight.
half an hour we waited juz to let ppl out so that we can move in easily.
and yet, we tok almost 5 minutes to get to kaabah from the entrance.
but it was worth it.
mana ada benda senang dlm dunia ni.
ok here, it gets a little bit dramatic.
omar looked tired, really really tired.
by second tawaf, he begged us to carry him.
i carried him one round, papa carried him 2 rounds.
then we lost each other.
papa with omar, adik n i.
i decided to complete 7, then waited at multazam for papa. 10 mins, still no sight of him.
started to get worried.
finally he aprroached us from behind, he had to ask the police to look after omar for a while until he finds us. yes, that was a gamble. but he cant be carrying omar while searching.
so we waited with omar, while papa finished his rounds.
tapi mmg kesian kt omar.ramai orang, panas.
if this is what is meant for us, then we will persevere.

after papa finished tawaf, we decided, papa do saie first, then only adik n i will do the saie.
oh, kat mekah takde orang check bag.
bole cakap telefon and ambik gambar depan polis.
but being malaysians, conscious tu still ada.
out of respect actually.
punyela sedap omar tido, den pun tumpang sekaki. tak bole tahan dah mata. 45 mins later, papa completed saie.
berlari2 anak for men between the green lights.

we took 1 hour to compete 7 rounds of saie.
one way is about 500 metres.
(takyah gi gym)
orang2 arab ni mmg pakar dlm menolak orang ek.
to finish it off, gunting rambut 3 helai.
and sempurna lah sudah ibadah umrah.

then i said,
"kang nk mendukung omar ke bilik satu hal."

this was at 1a.m. local time.
masih tak surut2.

syukur alhamdulillah, smp tmpt kena jumpa, tengok2 omar dh bangun.yeay! tkyh dukung!

and dis boy had the check to ask me,
'apsal omar bangun tengok mami takde?'rasa gembira bila dah habis.tak terkata.
on the way balik, kitorang reward dia aiskrim.
aunty dia tanye 'eh apsal mkn aiskrim mlm2?'
dia jawab, "atuk ckp ni ubat batuk ni..."
sambil lari ke lif dgn aiskrim di tangan...