today is rania's first day at school.
surprisingly, nobody cried except for rania.
iwas right there, standing next to her clasroom during morning assembly.
i was daydreaming when i saw a girl crying towards me, and then only it occured to me that it was rania. that's d least i expect from her. she didnt tell me why but maybe the school's surrounding was overwhelming for her. poor girl.
after she settled down at her classroom, i said goodbye. the expression that she gave me was 'pls dont go...'
i stopped by at mom's house and told her bout it. as i expected, mom was worried. hubby called and asked bout rania too, but instead of worrying him too, i said
'eh cikgu lelaki kat skolah rania stylo laa. pakai kemeja ketat tau...'i thot that was funny enuf...
nway, i dont have any resolution for 2009 except maybe a lil bit more time so i can read more books.