firstly, kudos to syamsul for making a movie that made me curious.
of coz i didnt watch it at the cinema. i watched it the economical way. astro first. watching at a cinema wud have caused me more money coz i definitely need to purchase another ticket for my mom, (coz she wants to watch aaron) and not including the cost of buying popcorns and drinks. so finally i called astro and we managed to watch it more than once, within 48 hours.
so i was thinking, yes it was entertaining esp from adi putra and that guy who plays "Jib" (the guy in d picture, d most left).
apart from those 2 acts, i regard d movie as 'not so bad-la'. i like idea that no scene of women being harmed and no scene of gangster macho
jiwang-jiwang. all i could think of was there were too many fighting scenes.
memang kalau jumpa sesama sendiri memang kena gaduh ke? seriously, i have no idea.
d movie doesnt tell me a detailed or a thorough activities of d gangsters. maybe we are expected not to think. easier that way, huh? d message is good. its not rocket science. everybody can figure out d message. but ive got a lot of questions though.
im no expert but at d end of d show, i finally figured out why d movie makes big bucks.
within 48 hours, my mom has been making to n fro trips to my house juz to watch aaron.
so dis morning, ive got a couple of calls from my mom but when i said hello, she didnt answer. so i tried calling her back. and she picked up by saying 'sorila salah dial.'
"lu jangan main2 aaa.....!!"
eh, kata mode kl gangster....