
yg kanan : mendengar kata tetapi sangat hyper.
yg tengah : semoga mendapat d good traits from both.
(bila bercakap rojak, sangatla tak indahnye. i agree, it's either u speak english all d way, or bahasa all d way...)
ini lah akibat sekejap english, sekejap bahasa di dalam pengajaran sains dan matematik. (sori, non-related actually)
like i keep telling ppl and many have stressed on d same old issue, it does not make me less malay if i insisted on d teaching of english. im frustrated with muhyiddin coz i thot he could give me some hope. why deprive those students of learning science and maths in english as to favour those who need to catch up? why d need to slow down d progress? i juz dont get it.
but then again, they might know all the reasons why.
juz like how khir toyo giving all excuses to justify his latest predicament.
meminjam kata2 bapaku : kita bole menipu orang ramai tp kita tak boleh menipu diri kita sendiri dan terutama sekali, TUHAN yg maha Esa.
di kala dalam kesusahan, lebih baiklah ku merenung gambar anak2ku di atas itu.
terus lapang dada...
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