balik balik cerita hud

nowadays, im so used of sleeping for 4 hours at nite. i wish i could sleep and sleep and sleep but i can hear my dad says, kalau nk tido, smp bilabila pun tk cukup.
and yes im staying permanently at my mom's house at d moment coz i cant cope.
being a superwoman has a limit i finally realised.
and yes i know im burdening my parents but i did try going back to my house for a nite, d next day, my mom's eyes were swollen! and im not supposed to say this but until now, she still cries after sending rania to school. so go figure.
im juz happy being surrounded by family n it helps to have some help around when all i need is to close my eyes for 5 minutes.
i like this pic!
yup.. comel sangat!
adakah omar supervise adik dia yg dalam stroller itu??
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