i have no intention of making dis blog into a pretentious food haven fotopages. it happened dat ive been staying at mum's house a little bit longer lately so food is everywhere around d house. dis is
cekodok ikan bilis. good for all occasions and never fails to disappoint. like yesterday evening, while i was lying down, mum came to my room and said,
'mcm nak buat cekodok' and i said,
'haa buatlaa...' her reply? 'yes mem!' on her way out of d room, i uttered,
'cepat sket buat tu...' . usually, she'll keep feeding us until we bloat. d only time that all of us will go hungry a.k.a.
kebuluran, is when she goes for umrah. we're talking bout 14 days without food here, ppl!! coz basically, nobody knows which is where so d idea of
wanting to cook has been jeopardised by d lack of locating d basic ingredients. and there were
few (well, not dat few la...) occasions when we picked her up from d airport after 14 days without food; d moment she stepped into d house,
someone will definitely want something to eat, prompting her to think of a dish and voila! there's food again on d table. u see, me, my sis, my bro, we're all good kids. d only thing lacking is, we cant cook cook up a storm like she does. we wud still prefer her to cook. and we all knew she loves d attention given; she can do the 'keeping cool' thing quite well, u know. and it's funny when mum asked
'sape nak makan nasi goreng / kari kambing / sup ekor', all of us wud say 'yes, yes!' excitingly but when my dad asked d
'sape nak makan' question, everybody pretends to read d newspapers. oh well, maybe omar wud say
'nak' but then again, omar says
'nak' to almost anything.