Tuesday, January 15, 2008

learn from it

we all knew the nurin's case.
we sympathised with the family.
the culprits were never caught. so what do we learn from that sad episode?
NEVER to let your kids go out on their own.
but some ppl never learned from it!
infact, if ALL parents were being too careful, there shouldnt be a second nurin or sharlinie for that matter.
i didnt blame nurin's father but now im blaming sharlinie's parents.
how could they be so careless and ignorant?
ok, they were juz trying to have a good time at the playground, but didnt it occur to u that after 3 months, the bad ppl might strike again?
nobody wants to admit that our place isnt safe anymore.
no point being in denial.
u think it's safe out there? i dont.

sometimes it's worth imitating the 'others.' (read : kiasu)
have u ever wondered why they overprotect their premises or residences like a fortress?
because they know everybody's a target so why not lessen the risks.

only learn the good things from them, not the bad ones.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

u know what's annoying, a friend of mine kata, "why shouldn't kids be allowed to play on their own? that's like saying women are not supposed to wear sexy clothes nanti kena rape". so nak menegakkan principals kononnya, budak jadi mangsa. (parents nurin pun sama je, anak gi pasar malam sorangĀ²? hello?!)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 10:52:00 AM  

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