it was yesterday, and where in d world is rania? TAKUUTTTT....!!!
pict a bit blur but i didnt wanna miss out on d moment. a few seconds later, he tried to hold the sparkles. i guess he must be curious. he cried, sakit agaknye, but only for a while. he continued...
was a bit surprised rania was afraid to play this time. last year, it wasnt enuf! she refused to come out of d house. frustnye...
to those who have given their selamat hari raya wishes to me, i would like to say thank you. selamat hari raya fidie, selamat hari raya lin.
as for me, im still counting d days to raya. another 2 and half days to go. this morning after sahur, decided not to sleep as usual. instead, i cleaned up d whole house for 2 hours! by d time i took a shower, i felt thirsty. alamak, silap time la kemas...and as soon as i got into my office, sakit perutla plak. too much sambal belacan. now, i feel weak and it's only 10.44 in d morning.
im sure by friday after sahur, my mum will start preparing everything. that's d best part. tolong kacau, not tolong masak. then d nite, takbir raya will be heard everywhere.
oh, such a nice feeling.
friday afternoon, after friday prayers, usually my dad and i will go to my aunty's house to pick up our kuih raya. i always cherish my time with my dad in d car. somehow, i always think that no one is wiser than him....
ok people, i will definitely post thousands of raya pictures soon.
AMPUNKAN SAYA SEKIRANYA ADA TERGURIS PERASAAN, walaupun mungkin ada yg dilakukan secara sengaja atau tidak sengaja. AMPUN DAN MAAF DIPINTA dari hati yg tulus ikhlas.
semoga sentiasa di bawah lindungan ALLAH di mana saja anda berada.
"di mana saja anda berada" <-- tu bukan famous quote ras adiba radzi ke? heheheh..
mak ke anak yg sebenarnya excited nak main bunga api ni? heheheh..
yes, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri and ampun maaf dipinta. Ingatlah daku masa makan lomang and kuih makmur (waaaaa...!!!). my salam to your family.
selamat hari raya with your loved ones... ampun if ada terkasar bahasa while we reconnecting through blogs :)
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