Thursday, June 26, 2008

what's the point?

i didnt experience d 'no credit card' ruling yet at any petrol station nearby. but seriously, using credit cards are so convenient for some. d thing that pisses me off was, the way the petrol station dealers made the ruling as if they cannot gain any profit AT ALL. i think they are a bunch of selfish arrogant ppl. if they cannot make ANY profit AT ALL, how come there are so many ppl in the waiting list to be a petrol station dealer? and ive known at least 2 dealers that live in a '7 figure' house. so tell me, are they REALLY suffering? i dont think so. perhaps the profit margins are shrinking coz they had to settle for japanese cars instead.

im not against pious ppl. but somebody should tell them (read : serban)that helmets are designed to protect your heads from any fatal injuries. in case u fell. it's not a sinful accesories. it's built for a purpose.
to protect.
and wearing a serban doesnt mean u're more pious than those who arent wearing one.
it's a matter of choice.
the same thing with those with tudungs. i'd laugh if someone said those girls are better than me. oh gosh, stop making me laugh.
ive seen quite a few antiques from those with tudungs in a cinema.
please get a room.
but then again, who am i to judge?


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