Friday, January 25, 2008

ish, ish, ish

hsbc sent me one credit card a long time ago. i didnt ask for it. but i do remember cutting it into 2. called them up to tell them that i wont be needing the card and asked for a cancellation. instead, this one persuasive lady coaxed me into keeping the card with no annual fees imposed. i was so lazy to argue with her i juz said ok.
yesterday i received the bill asking me to pay rm40 for the annual fees. so i called them up again. isnt it a hassle? not to mention a waste of time. i asked for a waiver and again, cancellation of the card. unbelievably, the guy said, in order for me to waive it, i have to spend a certain amount every month. wait a minute.
gile ke apa?
God knows i tried so hard not to get extremely angry.
but luckily this time, the guy didnt coax me again.
i dont wanna say 'phew!'
coz i didnt ask for it in the first place.
BANKS are the perfect example of daylight robbery.

in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is the king.

i am officially an 'ahli mesyuarat tingkap' at my mum's place.
i think i know more ppl there than at my own pad.
it's easy. the maids talk bout their employers all the time!
u dont have to ask. juz listen to them talking to each other.
u'll get the picture clearer if u asked. in my case, i ask my mum's maid.
she gets along with everybody so ppl would want to tell her stories.
believe me, with all the juicy stories i have, i can send a script to rashid sibir.


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